Hosting Guests for Christmas - Quick tips to get your home ready
My dad has a great expression about guests staying. ‘They’re like fish’ he always says, ‘great to start with but they go off after a few days.’ Having guests to stay can be really exciting but it can also be quite stressful, especially at Christmas with everything else going on. I love entertaining and having a house full of friends and family and I’m like the Christmas fairy this year getting excited about it. But it can be exhausting, especially if you have young children, work or other commitments to think about at the same time. Whether your guests are your family, your inherited family, your chosen family, or just drunk over-nighters, there are a few things you can do to prepare to make the whole thing go smoothly. You may have a spare room or you might be kicking kids out of their room or making up a sofa bed. Either way, stick to these simple tips for a stress-free sleep over:
Give your guest some space - literally
There is nothing worse than your guest coming to stay and leaving all their things all over your house. This is horrible for everyone involved. Clear them a space. This might be a corner of the living room, some draws in the spare room or shifting some toys out of the way to make way for a case or overnight bag. Show them where to leave their mess things! They’ll feel more comfortable and so will you.
Be prepared
Making everything up before your guest arrives makes for everything being a whole lot calmer when they’re there. We’re lucky enough to have a spare room but I’ve left the sheets on the line or in the tumble dryer on occasion when we’ve had guests and only remembered when they go up to bed, only to be greeted with a nasty unmade bed. I’m there at 2am trying to get damp sheets off the line and make the bed three sheets to the wind. Not a good look.
Great value cotton towels from John Lewis
Make up the bed and leave a towel for each of your guests out ready so they don’t need to ask you about it. If you want to really add something a bit extra you could add some light Christmas decorations in the room too, maybe a cute wreath or candle. If your guests are staying on the sofa, make up the duvet and pillows beforehand and leave them in a corner somewhere all ready for bedtime.
The Bedside
Provide somewhere to plonk their essentials. Most people like to take a glass of water to bed and often have jewellery or glasses that need to be put somewhere. A bedside table is ideal but a small table or upturned crate or pile of books can work just as well. It makes your guest feel comfortable and at home. If you want to go the whole hog it’s a nice idea to leave a bottle of water next to the bed and a glass. It’s worth leaving a pack of paracetamol and some Rennie in the drawer too just in case -especially in drinking season. A spare toothbrush isn’t a bad idea either as more people than not forget theirs. A side light is also a winner for making a room feel cosy and is useful especially when someone doesn’t know their way around a room very well. You can pick up a bedside light really cheaply - go for a warm white bulb so the light isn’t too bright.
Make it cosy
The older we get the fussier we get so it’s nice to leave a couple of extra pillows and a blanket or two in case your guests get cold. My husband has an allergy to feathers which I’ve found is surprisingly common so be careful what kind of pillows you’re offering. A hot water bottle is also a nice added touch.
Mi casa es su casa
Having guests to stay doesn’t mean that you have to wait on them hand and foot, 24/7. Most people feel more comfortable when they can treat your place like their own. Leave the coffee and tea and a loaf of bread out in the morning so that your guests can help themselves to anything they need and don’t go hungry if (like me) you’re not an early riser on your days off. I often find my guests in bed in the morning with a magazine from the side and a cuppa and I love it. I also always keep a packet of bacon in the freezer so I can offer even the spontaneous guests the best hangover cure on the planet. Bacon and egg sarnies all round!
Right, on that note I’m off to get my spare room ready! Wishing you a fab Christmas with your friends and family,